Hi. I'm Govind Kumar.

I'm a Software/Data engineer based in India.To keep in touch, shoot me an Email or add me on LinkedIn.

Learn about what I do

My Experience

My Work

Here’s some stuff I made recently.


About Me

Govind Kumar
Phone: +91 9858363271
Birthday: 15 July 1998
City: Begusarai, India
Email: igovindsingh98@gmail.com


Django, React, Game Theory, Algorithms and Data Structure, Maths, Bootstrap, Mysql, Firebase, ML, Deep Learning, C, C++, Python, Java, Html5, CSS, Postgress, Windows/Linux, Git


Year Degree CGPA/%
2021-2023 M.Tech: NIT, Durgapur 8.66/10
2017-2021 B.Tech: SMVDU, Katra 8.36/10
2014-2016 Class XII: C.B.S.E. 83.4%
2013-2014 Class X: C.B.S.E. 9.2/10


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